Legal framework
There is a lack of knowledge and understanding on how the integration of HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) will be carried out. The assessment of the marine environment under the MSFD is dependent on monitoring and interlinked to reporting obligations under the other directives as well as to the HELCOM monitoring and assessment strategies and practices. The results of the action helped authorities as well as other stakeholders in understanding the reporting requirements, and provide a basis for establishing cost-effective monitoring and assessment procedures.
Within the Project, a desk study of the EC, HELCOM and UN marine nature conservation policy documents and their reporting requirements was performed. Consultations with competent authorities on their reporting experiences, data gaps, shortcomings of the applied approaches, etc. helped developing proposals for integration and improvement of national reporting systems and joint assessment procedures.
The Project team has produced report on reporting requirements of different international policy documents: Fleming-Lehtinen V. 2011: Biodiversity-related requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Below you can download various international biodiversity related policy documents:
EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive
EC Directive on conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora
EC Directive on the conservation of wild birds
Project co-financiers: Latvian Environmental Protection Fund and Estonian Environmental Investment Centre