The Project aimed at contributing into successful marine monitoring by raising qualification and motivating stakeholders from public and private sector. Throughout the whole project duration various stakeholders were gathered in each target country to discuss different aspects of marine environment and required monitoring actions. The MARMONI project aimed at taking an important facilitation role among stakeholders and integrating them into the new concept of marine biodiversity monitoring developed by the project and providing international experience exchange as additional qualification.

In order to establish a network of active “monitorers” for the future, trainings with theoretical knowledge transfer and outdoor exercises for practical training and testing of methods had been carried out.
The target group for trainings is twofold:
1. state institutions and scientific institutes performing marine biodiversity monitoring;
2. amateurs (ornithologists) from local communities near the pilot project areas.

The first group trained how to monitor nature values at sea and also how different institutions can share data and information for better biodiversity monitoring. The second group received training on coastal bird counts.


  • Clear picture of data and information on marine nature values and its collecting party;
  • Experience exchange at international level and input received for the particular national needs;
  • Concept/recommendations for data management of scattered information and different institutions/sectors holding the information;
  • Stakeholders from public sectors and amateurs were trained and motivated for participation in the project activities.

in 2012 the brochure „Towards a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem (in 5 langugaes) has been prepared with the aim to introduce readers with the international legal frame for the protection of marine biodiversity.

Ceļā uz stabilu Baltijas jūras ekosistēmu_LAT

Tavoitteena terve ja toimiva Itämeri_FI

Mot ett långsiktigt hållbart ekosystem i Östersjön_SWE

Läänemere hea tervise nimel_EST


Project co-financiers: Latvian Environmental Protection Fund and Estonian Environmental Investment Centre