In the frame of the Project various seminars, stakeholder meetings and also trainings with theoretical knowledge transfer and outdoor exercises had been organized.
MARMONI Final Conference: “Innovative indicators, methods, monitoring & assessment of marine biodiversity in the Baltic Sea”, 27.-28.01.2015
Conference on “The interlink between MSFD and MSP”, 21.-22.10.2014
Date & Time: | October 21, 2014 - October 22, 2014 |
Place: | Riga, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The objectives of the conference are to identify and analyse the relationships between Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) as well as to address MSP as a tool to implement MSFD. |
Media: | 00_Agenda_MSP_MSFD_conference 01_Opening_H.Fammler 02_The interlink between MSPa and MSFD_EC 03_MSFD_R.Fairgrieve 04_MSP and MSFD in Germany_H.Janssen 05_Linking MSFD and MSP in Sweden_J.SchmidtbauerCrona 06_MSP supports MSFD_R.Varjopuro 07_A critical analysis_J.Näslund 08_MSP MSFD_C.Fitzsimmons 09_MSFD_MSP_data_E.Bojars 10_Pärnu bay MSP_K.Kartau 11_Conservation value mapping_F.Fyhr 12_SeaGIS_J.Perus Report_MSFD_MSP_conference |
Conference European Maritime Day in Latvia 2014, 26.05.2014
Date & Time: | May 26, 2014 |
Place: | Riga, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the conference was to introduce audience with the development of the programme of measures to achieve a Good Environmental Status in the Baltic Sea. Agenda and presentations (in Latvian) are available below |
Media: | 00_Agenda_26.05.2014 01_Opening_A.Ruskule 02_Programme of measures_B.Zasa 03_Problems with reaching GES_J.Aigars 04_Common fisheries policy_S.Jansone 05_Directive of nitrates_L.Tralmaka 06_MSP as an instrument_K.Rasina |
Towards indicator based, cost effective and policy compliant monitoring and assessment of the marine biodiversity in the Baltic Sea (TotalBio), 07.-08.05.2014
Participation at the environmental fair “Keskkonnamess 2013”, 06.-07.12.2013
Date & Time: | December 6, 2013 - December 7, 2013 |
Place: | Tartu, Estonia |
Aim / Intro: | Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia participated at the environmental fair with the MARMONI posters about marine monitoring and made a presentation to the visitors of the fair. The topic of the presentation was “Marine monitoring – why and how?”. |
Inventory of underwater environments with the help of dropvideo, 23.-24.09.2013
Date & Time: | September 23, 2013 - September 24, 2013 |
Place: | Järnavik, Blekinge, Sweden |
Aim / Intro: | The purpose of the workshop was to introduce and test a standard for dropvideo collection and interpretation and to provide recommendations for an upcoming national (Swedish) standard. 36 attendants consisting of 16 consultants, 9 from academia and 11 managers met for two days to listen to talks about the latest methodological development, how to handle uncertainty from various monitoring sources as well as the use of dropvideo within the Marmoni project. Participants took part in a small field trip in order to assess various camera systems and the expert discussions resulted in concrete recommendations and guidelines for national standard operating procedures. The report (in Swedish), presentations and films collected from the field trip are available at |
Training of BSP teachers on stormcast index, 28.08.2013
Date & Time: | August 28, 2013 |
Place: | Viinistu, Estonia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the training was to introduce the Stormcast Macrovegetation Index (SMI) developed in MARMONI project to the teachers participating on Baltic Sea Project (BSP) of schools; to train them in identification of phytobenthos species and practical collection of stormcast; to discuss possibilities for collection and analysis of stormcast and calculation of stormcast index in schools as well as possibilities for cooperation with marine biologists. |
Media: | SMI method |
Training of Nature Conservation Agency’s rangers on marine monitoring methods, 01.-02.08.2013
Date & Time: | August 1, 2013 - August 2, 2013 |
Place: | Salacgrīva, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of training: to introduce different methods of marine monitoring to the NCA rangers; to introduce them to voluntary monitoring program and it’s possibilities; to discuss about what could be done to link the scientific monitoring, carried out by professionals and voluntary monitoring, carried out by society and enthusiasts, also what could be the contribution of rangers to promote voluntary monitoring. |
Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment in offshore windfarms and other large marine infrastructure, 21.-22.05.2013
Date & Time: | May 21, 2013 - May 22, 2013 |
Place: | Riga, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the seminar is to exchange information on the recent development of legal procedures and practical implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment for the construction of large offshore infrastructure.
Main topics of discussion:
- new knowledge on impacts of wind farms or other development projects on species & habitats in Europe (projects, construction cases); - present experience in impact assessment of the development plans in the marine environment and identification of gaps in national legal systems including EIA legislation; - experience from industry implementing legal requirements: the NordStream pipeline and related environmental impact assessment. |
Media: | 00_Agenda_EIA seminar_21.-22.05.2013 01_Opening-H_Fammler 02_Legal-Framework_Sweden M_Hemmingsson 03_Legal-Framework_Estonia R_Persidski 04_Legal-Framework_Finland E_Keskinen 05_Legal-Framework_Germany A_Beiersdorf 06_Legal-Framwork_Lithuania T_Navickas 07_Legal-Framework-Latvia D_Cirule 08_EIA_Finland E_Keskinen 09_EIA-Denmark I-K_Petersen 10_EIA-Sweden L_Nilsson 11_EIA-Denmark-Germany R_Zydelis 12_EIA-Estonia G_Martin 13_Strategic-EIA-Norway J_Naslund 14_EIA-Belgium S_Degraer 15_EIA-NordStream J_Kube |
Conference European Maritime Day in Latvia: 2013, 17.05.2013
Date & Time: | May 17, 2013 |
Place: | Riga, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the conference was to introduce audience with the ecosystem based approach in the marine environment and ecosystem services in the sea, as well as the integration of the approach in the marine policies. Conference materials (in Latvian) available below |
Media: | 01_Ievads_K.Veidemane 02_Ekosistemu pieeja_E.Bojars 03_Baltijas jūras ekosistema_J.Aigars 04_Zemudens plavas_S.Strake 05_Juras putni_A.Stipniece 06_Gada putns Kakaulis_A.Stipniece 07_Juras zivju loma ekosistema_I.Putnis 08_Jaunie iemitnieki Baltijas jura_S.Strake 09_Ekosistemas pieejas integresana_A.Ruskule 10_Ekosistemu pieeja zvejnieciba_I.Putnis 11_Gliemenu audzesana Baltijas jura_Z.Ozolina 12_Juras rekreativie resursi_I.Purgalis 13_Brauciens Baltijas jurai 2013_B.Jackson 14_Mana Jūra 2013_J.Ulme Akciju foto par Baltijas jūru_A.Brante Buklets Baltijas jūras ekosistēma-mums un mūsu bērniem Juras dienas programma 17.05.2013 |
Conference “WATER” on stormcast data collection for schoolchildren, 10.05.2013
Date & Time: | May 10, 2013 |
Place: | Pumpuri, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | Conference was deducated to the International year of Water cooperation and there were lectures, cretaive workshops and competition related to the water topic. |
Training on radar and visual migration observation for ornithologists, 23-26.04.2013
Date & Time: | April 23, 2013 - April 26, 2013 |
Place: | Rannaküla, Matsalu NP, Estonia |
Aim / Intro: | Training on radar and visual migration observation for ornithologists from Latvia and Estonia. The training involved two methods: 1) Visual observations of birds and 2) Radar studies. |
Seminar on marine quality indicators, involvement of local stakeholders, 27.12.2012
Date & Time: | December 27, 2012 |
Place: | Dundaga, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | Seminar was aimed to inform and develop more operational cooperation among different stakeholder for the Kolka cape and adjacent areas. Kolka area is one of the “bottle necks” during bird migration together with active ship traffic towards Riga port. Coastal area has high forest percentage and forest activities are looked as important factor for the maintenance of quality of Coastal Waters. |
Info day in Palmenia, Finland, 17.12.2012
Date & Time: | December 17, 2012 |
Place: | Palmenia, Finland |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting was to go on the discussion of the types of educational events to be organized during years 2013-2014. |
Seminar on marine quality and coastal Governance aspects, 13.12.2012
Date & Time: | December 13, 2012 |
Place: | Carnikava, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the seminar was to evaluate the complex and specific management approaches, different stakeholder involvement as well precise use of Monitoring data in decision making as far whole Coastal part of the Gulf of Riga is included in the Nature Park “Piejura”. |
Seminar of the VELMU-project (The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Environment), 12.12.2012
Date & Time: | December 12, 2012 |
Place: | Helsinki, Finland |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to discuss what kind of information is needed about the under-water marine nature in order to comply with Finland\\\'s national commitments |
Seminar on marine quality aspects as a precondition for the Development of North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve (NVBR) and adjacent coastal authorities, 11.12.2012
Date & Time: | December 11, 2012 |
Place: | Salacgrīva, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the seminar was to introduce the participants to the Marine Framework Strategy Directive and related aspects of Environmental quality, Monitoring methods, as well to the existing cooperation and Coastal Governance models. |
Conference on “Nature Values in the Baltic Sea and its Coastal Zone”, 05-06.12.2012
Date & Time: | December 5, 2012 - December 6, 2012 |
Place: | Liepāja, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the conference was to introduce the audience with the biodiversity of the Baltic Sea and especially the sea birds. Second day was paid to present cooperation and involvement experience within the Coastal lagoon lake pape and related coastal areas, including appraisal of the state of Environment, Environment quality, Monitoring aspects. |
Workshop “Marine Biodiversity indicators within EU legal frame and their use in reporting”, 29.11.2012
Date & Time: | November 29, 2012 |
Place: | Kemeri, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | Seminar had specific, site and local problem related content aimed to inform the audience and potentially involve them in the next steps of the Project – namely involving them into monitoring activities. |
Meeting “Educational aspects connected to the year of Gulf of Finland 2014”, 19.-20.11.2012
Date & Time: | November 19, 2012 - November 20, 2012 |
Place: | Helsinki, Finland |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to start the discussion with civic organizations, teachers, NGOs etc. of the types of educational events to be organized during years 2013-2014 |
Seminar “Stakeholders as important actors in Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation: from decision makers to general public”
Participation in World village festival, 26.-27.05.2012
Date & Time: | May 26, 2012 - May 27, 2012 |
Place: | Helsinki, Finland |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to look at the Baltic Sea with “everyman’s eyes”: how to help with your own activity to improve the state of the sea as well as how to help the research by making your observations. |
Conference “European Maritime Day in Latvia 2012”, 18.05.2012
Meetings with the Swedish Maritime Administration and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, 16.-17.02.2012
Date & Time: | February 16, 2012 - February 17, 2012 |
Place: | Norrkoping ,Sweden |
Aim / Intro: | To inform the Swedish Maritime Administration and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management about the mapping activities within MARMONI (A3 and A4.2) and similar national projects. |
Stakeholder Meeting in Karlskrona, 22.11.2011
Date & Time: | November 22, 2011 |
Place: | Blekinge, Sweden |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to inform stakeholders of the MARMONI project and related actions in the Swedish MARMONI study area Hanö Bight. These include discussing possible approaches and strategies for actions in the Swedish study area and make a formal invitation to stakeholders to participate in a stakeholder reference group. |
Stakeholder Meeting in Malmö, 21.11.2011
Date & Time: | November 21, 2011 |
Place: | Skåne, Sweden |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to inform stakeholders of the MARMONI project and related actions in the Swedish MARMONI study area Hanö Bight. These include discussing possible approaches and strategies for actions in the Swedish study area and make a formal invitation to stakeholders to participate in a stakeholder reference group. |
Seminar “Development of marine biodiversity indicators”, 2.-3.11.2011
Date & Time: | November 2, 2011 - November 3, 2011 |
Place: | Sagadi, Estonia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: was to discuss international experience in development and application of indicators and methods for assessment of the state of marine biodiversity and to present and discuss the preliminary results on biodiversity indicator development in MARMONI project. |
Media: | Agenda_November-2-3-2011 Book-of-abstracts-of-presentations |
Seminar on involvement of school children in marine biodiversity monitoring, 28.-29.10.2011
Date & Time: | October 28, 2011 - October 29, 2011 |
Place: | Jūrmala, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to present MARMONI project to Latvian school teachers involved in the Baltic Sea Project – an international network among schools for a better environment in the Baltic catchment area. The possibilities of involving school children in voluntary monitoring of marine biodiversity under the guidance of the Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology were also discussed. |
Conference “European Maritime Day in Latvia 2011: a Healthy Baltic Sea for our welfare”, 20.05.2011
Date & Time: | May 20, 2011 |
Place: | Riga, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to inform relevant stakeholders in Latvia about the biodiversity in the Baltic Sea and introduce about the activities of the MARMONI project. Presentations (in Latvian) available below |
Media: | 00_H.Burkovskis_Ievads 01_R.Poikane_Bistamas vielas 02_K.Maulics_CleanShip projekts 03_J.Aigars_Rigas lica nakotne 04_E.Bojars_MARMONI projekts 05_S.Strake_Biotopu daudzveidiba 06_A.Stipniece_Juras putni 07_G.Erins_Attalas izpetes metodes 09_A.Urtans_Sabiedriba un monitorings 10_A.Urtans_BSP projekts 11_D.Vitina_AWARE projekts 12_I.Purina_BSAP fonds 13_D.Bojare_BONUS programma 14_K.Veidemane_Juras telpiska planosana Jūras dienas programma_20.05.2011 |
Stakeholder Meeting in Nyköping, 28.04.2011
Date & Time: | April 28, 2011 |
Place: | Nyköping, Sweden |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to inform and discuss a marine project called Marin Modeling Stockholm Södermanland (MMSS). Within that project similar methods will be used as in the Swedish MARMONI study area Hanö Bight and MARMONI was therefore introduced to the audience of the meeting. |
Swedish Stakeholder meeting, 07.04.2011
Date & Time: | April 7, 2011 |
Place: | Riga, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to discuss what has been done and what is planned in the MARMONI project actions in order to enable harmonization amongst the participants and facilitate further cooperation. |
Seminar “Involvement of ornithologists into Marine Monitoring measure implementation and data collection”, 02.04.2011
Date & Time: | April 2, 2011 |
Place: | Jūrmala, Latvia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to inform stakeholders and persons/organizations potentially involved in carrying out marine monitoring with principles of bird data collection, monitoring methods using ship, plane and coastal count platforms, as well as to provide practical training in bird counting from coast. |
MARMONI info day in Estonia, 17.01.2011
Date & Time: | January 17, 2011 |
Place: | Tallinn, Estonia |
Aim / Intro: | The aim of the meeting: to inform relevant stakeholders in Estonia about the MARMONI project, its objectives and expected results, and to give an overview on MSFD and current marine biodiversity monitoring in Estonia. |