Here you will find different outcomes/ reports of the Project in electronic form.
- The MARMONI approach to marine biodiversity indicators 2015: Volume I: Development of indicators for assessing the state of marine biodiversity in the Baltic Sea within the LIFE MARMONI project.
- The MARMONI approach to marine biodiversity indicators 2015: Volume II: list of indicators for assessing the state of marine biodiversity in the Baltic Sea developed by the LIFE MARMONI project.
- Bojārs E. 2016: Guidelines for the environmental impact studies on marine biodiversity for offshore wind farm projects in the Baltic Sea Region
- Bojārs E. 2016: Proposals for optimisation of the procedures on offshore wind farm Environmental Impact Assessment
- Ruskule A. 2015: MARMONI recommendations to the national marine monitoring programmes of Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden
- Ruskule A. 2015: MARMONI recommendations to the national marine protection policies of Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden
- Veidemane K., Pakalniete K. 2015: Socio-economic assessment of indicator-based marine biodiversity monitoring programmes and methods
- Wijkmark et al. 2014: Field, laboratory and experimental work within the MARMONI project – report on survey results and obtained data. MARMONI-report
- Auniņš A., Martin G. 2014: Biodiversity assessment of MARMONI project areas
- Fyhr F. et al. 2014: Marine mapping and management scenarios in the Hanö Bight Sweden(Annexes 1-2, Annex 3-4)
- Bojārs E. et al. 2012: Towards a resilient ecosystem of the Baltic Sea
- Fleming-Lehtinen V. 2011: Biodiversity-related requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
- Klein L. 2011: Availability of sea use and pressure data in Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden
- Bojārs E. 2012: “Availability of marine biodiversity data in Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden for the MARMONI project needs”
Project co-financiers: Latvian Environmental Protection Fund and Estonian Environmental Investment Centre