Data inventory
Good quality background data sets are important precondition for further analyses and producing assessments. Many data sets related to marine biodiversity already do exist, but they are scattered and maintained in different institutions. Part of data is stored in scientific institutions, part is collected under various international and national obligations and stored in agencies responsible for reporting.
The MARMONI project gathered information on available biodiversity related data sets, as well as sea uses and related pressures in common metadatabases that serve for supporting indicator development, defining targets for good environmental status, developing new monitoring methods and producing biodiversity assessments.
The Project team has produced reports on data availability on marine biodiversity and sea uses and pressures in the MARMONI project countries:
- Klein L. 2011: Availability of sea use and pressure data in Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden
- Bojārs E. 2012: “Availability of marine biodiversity data in Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden for the MARMONI project needs”
Project co-financiers: Latvian Environmental Protection Fund and Estonian Environmental Investment Centre