Coordinating Beneficiary

Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia

The mission of BEF-LV is to promote the significance of environmental protection by facilitating co-operation and dialogue between various institutions and stakeholders and by increasing their capacities in implementation of environmental management. Within the project BEF-LV was responsible for overall project coordination and management  and was leading the actions on analysis of background information (data inventory), socio-economic assessment of monitoring schemes, elaboration of policy related outcomes and general project visibility and dissemination of project results. BEF-LV was also responsible for coordinating project activities as well as informing and involving stakeholders in Latvia.

Project is implemented by

Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (Latvia)

Being the main institute in Latvia specializing in marine environmental research LIAE is mandated to fulfill international (HELCOM, ICES) obligations in the field of national marine monitoring programme. Within the project LIAE participated in development of benthic and pelagic indicators and carrying out relevant field work as well as participated in the biodiversity assessment of the Latvian project area (Gulf of Riga).  LIAE experts also contributed to other project actions in the area of their expertise.


Institute for Environmental Solutions (Latvia)

The main focus area of the IES is research and development of emerging capabilities in airborne remote sensing for assessment and monitoring of natural resources and state of the environment. Within the project IES was testing the application of the airborne remote sensing methods for monitoring of birds as well as for assessing the environmental quality of the sea water in the Gulf of Riga project area.


Latvian Fund for Nature (Latvia)

LFN is a non–governmental organization (Foundation) devoted to the research and protection of rare and disappearing species and valuable natural territories and habitats. Within the project LFN  led the development of bird indicators and the action on biodiversity assessment of project areas. LFN was also carrying out bird inventory in the Latvian project area (Gulf of Riga) and contributing to other project actions (assessment of monitoring schemes, development of policy related outcomes, stakeholder involvement, dissemination of project results).


Nature Conservation Agency (Latvia)

NCA is a state agency which ensures implementation of unified nature protection policy in Latvia. The main goal is to protect biodiversity and to promote positive attitude of the society to nature conservation, also at coast and for marine protected areas.Within the project NCA  was promoting and practicing stakeholder involvement into monitoring measures and public information activities in Latvia.


Baltic Environmental Forum-Estonia (Estonia)

BEF-EE aims to promote environmental and nature protection issues in Estonia and other Baltic countries, facilitate environmental management and develop relevant skills of different agencies and stakeholders. Within the project BEF EE was  leading the actions on informing and involving of stakeholders and participated in almost all other project actions. BEF EE also coordinated project activities in Estonia.


Estonian Marine Institute (Estonia)

EMI is in charge of regular monitoring activities for marine biodiversity, marine water quality and fish (commercial) & fishery as well as data management and GIS based sea map elaboration in Estonia. Within the project EMI led the development of indicators and the MARMONI MSFD Marine Biodiversity Assessment Tool. EMI was also responsible for data collection and testing of benthic, pelagic and fish indicators as well as for biodiversity assessment in the Estonian project areas (Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga). EMI experts also contributed to other project actions in the area of their expertise.


Finnish Environment Institute (Finland)

SYKE evaluates alternative scenarios and measures to influence future development. In addition to research and development, it promotes sustainable development by assessing its implementation and is also responsible for the national monitoring and assessment of the state of the environment, providing environmental information services and increasing public awareness on environmental issues. Within the project SYKE led the analysis of the legal framework and co-leading the development of indicators. SYKE was also responsible for data collection and testing of benthic and pelagic indicators in the Finnish project areas (Gulf of Finland, Coastal area of South-West Finland). SYKE experts carried out stakeholder information and involvement activities in Finland and contributed to other project actions in the area of their expertise.


Natural Resources Institute Finland/ former Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (Finland)

Natural Resources Institute Finland is a research and expert organisation. The institute promotes bioeconomy and sustainable use of natural resources. Within the project: FGFR was responsible for development and testing of fish indicators and relevant data collection in Finnish project areas.


The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (Sweden)

SwAM was responsible for the management of Sweden’s sea and freshwater environments in cooperation with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Within the project SwAM wass managing Swedish sub-contracted project experts and participated in the supervisory board of the project.


Sub-contracted parties:


Research Company “AquaBiota Water Research” (Sweden)

AquaBiota is a research company that focuses primarily on marine issues. It specializes in the use of geographical information systems (GIS), which can be used to analyze and model biological and oceanographic phenomena. Within the project AquaBiota led the action on testing of the new indicators and monitoring methods and participated in development of benthic, pelagic and fish indicators. AquaBiota was responsible for activities in the Swedish project area (Hanö Bight): data collection, testing of indicators, biodiversity assessment and demonstration of marine spatial management. AquaBiota also carried out stakeholder information and involvement activities in Sweden and contributed to other project actions in the area of their expertise.


Lund University, Department of Biology (Sweden) 

Lund University is one of Scandinavia’s largest institutions for education and research. Thei Department of Biology includes research units in Biodiversity, Aquatic Ecology, Functional Zoology, Evolutionary Ecology and Molecular Cell Biology. Within the project department participated through the ornithological work of researcher Leif Nilsson. Leif Nilsson participated in the development of bird indicators and carried out relevant data collection, testing and assessment in the Swedish project area (Hanö Bight).


The Swedish County Administrative Board of Blekinge (Sweden)

The Counties of Sweden are the first level of administrative and political subdivisions of Sweden. Main tasks are to coordinate administration with national political goals for the county, establishing regional objectives, co-ordinating different interests of the county, promoting the county’s development, and safeguarding the rule of law in every instance. Within the project the County Administrative Board of Blekinge participated in the demonstration of marine spatial management in Hanö Bight.


The Swedish County Administrative Board of Skåne (Sweden)

The Counties of Sweden are the first level of administrative and political subdivisions of Sweden. Main tasks are to coordinate administration with national political goals for the county, establishing regional objectives, co-ordinating different interests of the county, promoting the county’s development, and safeguarding the rule of law in every instance. Within the project: the County Administrative Board of Skåne partcipated in the demonstration of marine spatial management in Hanö Bight.


Latvian Ornithological Society (Latvia)

The Latvian Ornithological Society (LOB) is the largest nature conservation non-governmental organisation in Latvia. Since its foundation LOB has followed the main tasks set by its statutes – promote study and protection of wild birds and their habitats as well as raise public awareness and involvement. Within the project LOB ornithologists participated in development of bird indicators and relevant data collection, testing and assessment in the Latvian project area (Gulf of Riga).


Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia)

The Estonian University of Life Sciences is the only university in Estonia whose priorities in academic and research activities provide the sustainable development of natural resources necessary for the existence of Man as well as the preservation of heritage and habitat. Within the project the University participates in the project through the ornithological work of researchers at the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Experts participated in the development of bird indicators and carried out relevant data collection, testing and assessment in the Estonian project area (Gulf of Riga).




Environmental Investments Centre (Estonia)

The main activities of Environmental Investments Centre (EIC) are to channel the proceeds from the exploitation of the environment into environmental projects, to perform as the implementing agency for the environmental projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF) and to lend money for the implementation of environmental projects. From 2010 EIC is also acting as the implementing agency for the Green Investment Scheme (selling the excess CO2 quota and supervising the investments).


The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (Latvia)

through The Latvian Environmental Protection Fund Administration (Latvia)

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development is the leading state administrative institution in the field of environmental protection which includes protection of environment and nature, maintenance and rational utilization of natural resources, as well as sub-sectors of hydrometeorology and use of subsoil. As well as the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development ensures planning and coordination process of state and regional development, local governments’ development and supervision, territorial development planning and implementation of e-Government.